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Lowongan Kerja PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia (Thiess Indonesia) Desember 2023 |
~ PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia (Thiess Indonesia) adalah perusahaan yang berdiri di tahun 1988 serta merupakan cabang perushaan dari Thiess Pty Ltd yang di bawah sepebuhnya CIMIC Group. Thiess Indonesia adalah perusahaan di bidang kontraktor swasta tebesar yang bergerak dalam bidang sumber daya, engineering lintas disiplin, insfrastruktur dan sektor pembangkit listrik.

Bidang pelayanan Thiess Indonesia menjangkau pertambangan kontrak dan pengembangan tambang, engineering lintas disiplin dan layanan konstruksi untuk pembangunan fasilitas atau pabrik, pengolahan mineral serta pembangunan insfrstruktur sipil.

Thiess Indonesia mempunyai pengalaman lebih dari 20 tahun sehingga telah menangani lebih dari 200 proyek di sleuruh indonesia dan mempunyai lebih dari 8000 karyawan.

Lowongan Kerja PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia (Thiess Indonesia)
Join our diverse & inclusive organisation and experience our exciting projects today.
The Thiess Graduate Program provides graduates with an opportunity to learn and develop while working at various mining operations.
Graduates will receive structured on the job training, guided learning plans and leadership mentoring. Over the two-year program, graduates will undertake site rotations with placements in various roles and projects.

As a Thiess Graduate, you will need to have the ability to:
-Learn new skills, be flexible and adaptive
-Problem solve and analyse
-Work collaboratively
-Innovate and propose creative solutions
-Communicate effectively
-Relocate to various sites and projects, as required by program rotations.
-Selection process
-At Thiess, we value diversity and inclusion and promote equal opportunities for all people, regardless of their faith, gender, age, ethnicity, and disability. In our selection process, we will evaluate your potential and capacity for future achievements.

About you
-Fresh graduate or final year student who possess a relevant university degree with less than two years of work experience
-Possess a minimum GPA of 2.75 out of 4.00
-Willing to work in remote locations on a roster and undertake site rotations
-Eager learner who is actively involved in extracurricular, student organisation and/or community activities
-Aligned with Thiess culture and principles
-Fluent in English
-Women are highly welcomed and strongly encouraged to apply.

We’re looking for exceptional graduates across the following disciplines:
-Mechanical Engineering
-Geological Engineering
-Mining Engineering
-Occupational Health & Safety
-Geodesy & Geomatics Engineering
-Computer Science
-Industrial Engineering
-Electrical Engineering
-Informatics Engineering
-Information Systems
-Information Technology
-Environmental Engineering
-Civil Engineering

How to apply
To apply for this role, please click the ‘Apply Now’ button.
Kirim lamaran anda sebelum tanggal 17 Desember 2023

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